frequently asked
find the answers to your questions

how do I book?
It's very easy. Simply get in touch to find out what shoot dates I have available.
Once you're in my calendar I'll send you an invoice for the session fee, which is $150 on weekends or $100 during the week. Payment secures the date for your shoot.
where & when do you shoot?
The location for your shoot depends on your family and what you like to do.
You can have your shoot outdoors or at your home. When shooting outdoors we have lots of options in Dunedin - wild hill tops, woodland streams or the beach just to name a few.
You can get an idea of what an outdoor shoot looks like here.
You may have somewhere in mind that is special for your family or I will have lots of suggestions for you.
My favourite time to shoot is what is known as the golden hour. It's the hour before sunset (or after sunrise) when the light has a beautiful golden quality. However, golden hour varies from 9pm at night in the summer to 4pm in the winter so it's not always practical.
The main time to try to avoid is shooting in the middle of the day when the light is at its most harsh and unflattering.
what if the weather is bad on our shoot day?
It's Dunedin!
If you're up for an adventure I am to. However, if it's really bad we reschedule for the next available date.
Just remember what you think of as bad weather, to a photographer can be perfect weather for beautiful portraits. On overcast days, for example, the light is very soft and flattering.
Strong winds can also make things a little chilly but I have great locations that are sheltered from the different wind directions. It's amazing how it can be blowing an absolute gale at your place, but gorgeously calm and quiet at one of my secret spots!
what if I'm not comfortable in front of the camera?
Then that puts you in the same boat as 95% of people that I photograph!
Take a look at all the pictures on my website - all of these people were worried about being in front of the camera. Yet they all look relaxed, happy and like they're having fun (because that's how they were).
I will never leave you standing awkwardly in front of the lens with that horrible feeling of not knowing where to look or what to do with your hands.
I'll give you all the direction you need and you'll be having so much fun hugging and playing with your kids that you might even forget the camera is there.
can we bring our dog?
I simply love it when I get asked this question.
Yes please!
While I don't think I quite qualify for 'crazy dog lady' status just yet, I do love to meet and photograph the furry members of your family.
If you have a dog they are most likely a big part of family life so it would be silly not to include them in some of your images.
You can read more about how to prepare your dog for a photoshoot here.
can we bring extended family along too?
Yes, of course!
Grandma's and grandpa's often love to have images of all the family, or all the grandchildren together.
If extended family are included in the shoot we do have a good discussion beforehand to plan out which shots are important.
Believe it or not, photo fatigue is a real thing. After about 1 to 1.5 hours you are likely to have had enough.
Sometimes extended family members come along for just the first part of the shoot and then we move onto the more fun, natural lifestyle-type images.